The packaging industry is crucial to many different markets. Most of us interact with packaging every single day. It’s difficult to think of products that don’t require packaging of any kind. Our food, clothing, electronics, and appliances all typically come with some form of packaging. Whether you manufacture heavy duty sandbags or heavy duty plastic bags, it’s important to consider the future of the packaging industry in the USA. Here are a few key trends worth noting.
Sustainability is, of course, top of mind for many poly bag manufacturers. Many discussions on sustainability today focus on the impact of the packaging industry. Manufacturers have an important responsibility to ensure that they are making efforts to minimize the impact of their products on the planet. In particular, minimizing single-use plastics has been an important topic.
Heavy-duty plastic bags that can be re-used help reduce the impact of this type of packaging on the environment are an important step forward. But, poly bag manufacturers will need to continue to find ways to show their commitment to the environment. Companies will be looking for packaging products that they can feel good about using. Especially because consumers are getting increasingly savvy about this issue and are asking brands to step up and do better. They are also putting their money where their mouths are. Many consumers are now choosing to only support brands that align with their values. So, packaging manufacturers will need to make sure they offer a variety of sustainable solutions to their clients going forward.
Today’s consumer is looking for a customized experience. This means that, for most brands, it is no longer okay to throw your product into the cheapest, smallest brown box or heavy-duty plastic bag and call it a day. Customers are looking for an unboxing experience that is as exciting as the actual product itself. Moving forward, brands will be tasked with finding ways to make their packaging customized and worthy of a social media share. This can be done in various ways. Brands might want to consider creating custom designs for each of their products’ shipping containers. Eye-catching illustrations and helpful tips included directly on the packaging are sure to catch any consumer’s attention.
There are a number of key trends currently guiding the future of the packaging industry. Brands must keep abreast of these trends and make sure they are offering their consumers the sustainable and customized heavy duty bags options they are seeking. Beautiful, sustainable and custom packaging offers brands an opportunity to stand out from their competition.
At PolyPak Packaging, we offer a variety of products and services to help brands create the type of packaging that will wow their customers. Contact us today to find out how you can stay one step ahead of your competition with eye-catching, sustainable, and customized packaging.