If you store salt bags outside, they must be protected from the sun’s rays.
Failure to protect your salt bags from the sun’s rays will result in the plastic materials within them slowly degrading. Symptoms of such a process may include:
- discoloration;
- Weakening of the film;
- cracks;
- chalking.
Ultimately, your plastic salt bags will become completely unfit for its intended purpose, and it is common for this whole process to take place within the space of six months. It can occur even when stored in regions where it’s not particularly sunny, as the unseen UV rays still shine through the clouds causing a detrimental effect. UV rays could also shine on plastic products through lamps or curing appliances too.
Regardless of whether your salt bags are in Canada or California, it is imperative to include some sort of solution that stops, or at least delays this process.
How does UVI protection save salt bags from harmful rays?
UVI stands for ultra-violet inhibitor. It is an additive that is commonly used to protect many different materials from the harmful rays of the sun, by delaying the oxidation process and therefore the deterioration of the film. It is most commonly used with polyethylene products as it is highly effective when combined with these.
Ultra-violet inhibitors are added to the plastic resin during the extruding process of the plastic. Through the addition of UVI, the longevity of plastic products is massively increased, especially those that are exposed to sunlight regularly. Most UVI products have a rating, letting the customer know how effective that it will be, in days. Typically these ratings range from 30 days to around a year, depending on how it is applied.
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